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“In the midst of pain and blood, in the displacement camps, amidst the rubble, and the ruins of our homes, workshops, factories, stores, and institutions destroyed by the “Israeli” occupation, using U.S.-made weapons, in the name of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU), we call on you for solidarity.

So begins the powerful message from the workers of Palestine.

How do we respond?

A major theme for our 2024 May Day/International Workers' Day rally and march is: International solidarity between all workers and oppressed peoples of the world; Free Palestine, Stop the Genocide and End the Occupation! 

This theme becomes more real when we read the May Day message from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions – an urgent appeal from the people most affected

Instead of celebrating with you on May 1st, International Workers Day, we are busy shrouding dozens of people who are being killed around the clock in the middle of a genocidal war against our people – in every sense of that word.” 

Fars_Photo_of_Destruction_in_Gaza_Strip_during_2023_War_01-1October 17, 2023 by Saleh Najm and Anas Sharif (Source)

“Since the beginning of the aggression, we in the PGFTU have considered ourselves an integral part of our people – not separated from their reality. We have suffered and lost thousands of members, union offices, facilities, and other institutions.”

Let’s honor this request for solidarity on May Day. Let’s raise our voices on the streets and take action to let Palestinian workers and all Palestinians know that we understand the vicious role our government continues to play in Israel’s assault.

“We call on you to be our voice and advocate inside and outside America. What our people are experiencing and what workers and unions in particular, are exposed to is the most horrific catastrophe known to humanity in recent decades. We ask that you convey our message and give voice to the suffering of hungry, starving workers and their families—not just to the American people, not just to your unions, but to the entire world.

Join us on May 1st to help convey this message to the residents of San Jose, and to all those who are shocked and disgusted by the actions of Israel and our government.
